JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm <p><strong>Jurnal Akademik Pengabdian Masyarakat </strong><strong>(JAPM)</strong>, memuat publikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, model atau konsep dan atau implementasinya dalam rangka peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan, pemberdayaan masyarakat atau pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penerapan berbagai bidang ilmu diantaranya Manajemen, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Syariah, Akuntansi, Kewirausahaan, Bisnis, Ilmu Sosial Humaniora, Sastra, Bahasa, Pertanian, Kesehatan, Peternakan, perikanan, Politik, Pendidikan, Ilmu Teknik, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Elektro dan Informatika, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Ilmu Komunikasi, Hukum, Agama. Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun 6 kali<strong> (Januari, Maret, Mei, Juli, September, November)</strong></p> CV. KAMPUS AKADEMIK PUBLISING en-US JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT 3030-864X Efektifitas Video Pembelajaran Terhadap Pemahaman Siswa Pada Tata Cara Thaharah, Berwudhu, Tayammum, Mandi Waijib, Dan Sholat (Study Kasus Siswa Kelas 5 Dan 6 Di Sdn 14 Bokat) https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1748 <p><em>Thaharah, Wudu, Tayammum, obligatory bathing and good and correct prayers. Because nowadays there is a lack of understanding that aspects of the afterlife are separate from worldly life or aspects of spiritual life are separate from physical life. So this is our obligation as presenters to use study methods and practice. Apart from that, this material can also increase students' knowledge from not knowing to knowing. We make students aware of how important Thaharah, Wudu, Tayamum, obligatory bathing and prayer are. Because this is aimed at their puberty period so that when they reach puberty the students will already know and will no longer be confused about the proper and correct procedures for purification and worship. This research is a type of research on developing children's knowledge. We recommend the results of this research in the form of methods in the form of theories, concepts, materials and procedures. Specifically presented descriptively and topically. The population in this study were female students at SDN 14 Bokat, Bukamog village, especially in grades 5 and 6, totaling 70 students. This research uses pictures or posters that are displayed in front of the class and will be explained and practiced by the speaker with a correct understanding of the material explanation. This abstract provides insight to lecturers and researchers in writing and formulating methods in scientific journal abstracts.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> Ni’mah Wahyuni Ariyanti Ariyanti Sri Yanti S Ja'anah Wahyu Putra Aditia Siti Sa'ban Rahim Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 2 4 01 14 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1748 PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR DI ERA DIGITAL https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1764 <p><em>Character education has suddenly become a hot topic of discussion in the world of Indonesian education, even though the idea of ​​character is an old idea as old as the history of education, the emergence of the idea of ​​"character education" (character building) has disrupted our nation, especially what is currently sweeping the Indonesian nation. The problems that occur such as violence, corruption, manipulation, lying practices in the world of education ranging from cheating in exams to plagiarism, lack of role models among national leaders, and so on, actually involve issues of character. Even though it is too late to implement character education in schools, "But late than never", there are still many of our generation of students who are in school and need character education so that in the future they will become people who are not only intellectually intelligent but also have character. In this digital era, children can easily use digital media. </em><em>The digital era, which not only has positive impacts, but also negative impacts, is a task for educators, parents and adults in guiding and monitoring what children do with their digital media, so that children are able to make the best use of their digital media and get the benefits they need. good for himself and his life</em></p> <h1><em>Keywords: Character Education; Elementary School; Digital.</em></h1> Sholikhah Dini Rakhmawati Arri Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 2 4 15 21 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1764 PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL UTHIK MENDUKUNG PERKEMBANGAN KETERAMPILAN MENGUKUR SATUAN TIDAK BAKU https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1765 <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: <em>Mathematics learning carried out in elementary schools still requires watching and lacks meaning. Learning is carried out only to complete the material by memorizing concepts without understanding how to apply these concepts to everyday life problems. Apart from that, learning mathematics with abstract concepts is considered difficult by students. Meanwhile, for elementary school students, learning will be easier to understand if they have direct experience using concrete objects. Mathematics learning for grade 1 students includes measurement material using non-standard units. In learning, many students are less skilled in taking measurements using non-standard units. From this fact, teachers can carry out learning activities by using concrete objects using traditional uthik games. By conducting learning that incorporates traditional games, students can learn to discover knowledge through their own experiences. Apart from that, traditional games can also enable students to recognize and learn about their cultural riches so they can preserve them. Using the traditional Uthik game in mathematics learning can provide benefits, including providing variations in learning so that it is not monotonous, visualizing abstract mathematical concepts into concrete ones, providing direct learning experiences so that you can develop skills in measuring non-standard units.</em></p> Qurrotul Ainiyyah Dini Rakhmawati Arri Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 2 4 22 28 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1765 PERAN GURU DALAM MENGATASI KESULITAN BELAJAR SISWA SD https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1766 <p><strong>Abstrack </strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>In the daily learning process, both teachers and students definitely hope for the best results. According to the reality, there are still many students who have not received satisfactory results. This is due to learning difficulties, where students experience obstacles/disruptions in the learning process. This cause can be from the student's internal factors or external factors and there are various types of learning difficulties themselves. This is a challenge for teachers to be able to solve the problems faced by students. Several efforts can be made by teachers to overcome learning difficulties, such as; identification to find students who experience learning difficulties; diagnosis, determining the results of processing data about students who experience learning difficulties and the types of learning difficulties experienced by students, prognoses for preparing plans or programs that are expected to help overcome students' learning difficulties, and finally providing assistance or therapy in the form of tutoring.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Translation" aria-label="Translated text" data-ved="2ahUKEwiF99C53ueGAxWt3TgGHQ_oADMQ3ewLegQIBxAU"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Key words: role, teacher, overcoming, difficulties, learning</span></pre> Dina Erawati Dini Rakhmawati Arri Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 2 4 29 39 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1766 PENERAPAN PERHITUNGAN HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI SEBAGAI UPAYA UMKM MEMAKSIMALKAN LABA https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1821 <p><em>When it comes to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), profit maximization and business continuity are often secondary concerns. Businesses usually face challenges when trying to price their goods because it is not easy to know how much it costs to make them. In addition to affecting the profits generated, wrong pricing decisions can put a company in danger of losing money and ultimately lead to its downfall. Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore face this problem. When calculating production costs, business actors often only take into account the costs of raw materials. It does not take into account additional costs that should be part of the production cost calculation, such as direct labor costs and factory overhead costs. This service activity aims to provide education to MSMEs in determining production costs in response to this situation. The impact of errors in determining production costs on the amount of profit obtained was also explained to MSME players. The findings of this service activity provide enlightenment on how MSMEs should set the prices of their merchandise. A key component of good company management is the ability to make choices based on accurate financial data.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Ni Luh De Erik Trisnawati Dewa Ayu Putu Yulia Ardiani Komang Ayu Parwati Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 2 4 40 46 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1821 Pemanfaatan Daun Cengkeh Sebagai Pestisida Nabati Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Desa Bonto Tengnga https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1824 <p>Desa Bonto Tengnga, yang terletak di Kecamatan Sinjai Borong, Kabupaten Sinjai, memiliki potensi besar dalam pertanian, terutama dalam produksi tanaman cengkeh. Namun, penggunaan pestisida kimia dalam pertanian telah menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan kesehatan yang serius. Oleh karena itu, program kerja ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan penggunaan pestisida nabati dari daun cengkeh sebagai alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Metode pelatihan pembuatan pestisida nabati dilakukan langsung kepada petani di Desa Bonto Tengnga. Program ini mencakup tahapan persiapan, pelatihan, dan pemaparan materi tentang pertanian organik dan berkelanjutan. Hasilnya adalah adanya produk pestisida nabati dari daun cengkeh yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti pestisida kimia. Program ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya pertanian berkelanjutan, mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia yang berpotensi merusak lingkungan, serta memberikan dampak positif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan.</p> Rahmatullah Vina Anggryani Putu Wijangga Andi Muh. Fadhil Alimra Virly Fakhriyah Uzdah Idham Yusrifani Angri Dhea Insani Asmifta Sari Tunnur Aqidatul Izzah A.Yulia Astuti Fatur Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 2 4 47 53 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1824 ANALISIS PERHITUNGAN PPH 21 TERHADAP GAJI KARYAWAN PADA PT INDO BISMAR DI SURABAYA https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1923 <p><em>Research on the analysis of Article 21 Income Tax (PPh 21) on employee salaries aims to understand the &amp; application of PPh 21 on employee income. This involves calculating gross salaries, deducting job-related expenses and pension contributions, as well as calculating PPh 21 taxes. Errors in tax calculations can occur due to non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This research is conducted using a descriptive analytical approach with both primary and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that there are many errors in the updating of employee statuses according to current conditions. Consequently, errors occur in calculations, reported amounts, and overpayments of Article 21 Income Tax. The reporting of PPh 21 by PT. INDO BISMAR does not comply with applicable regulations. This occurs because the reported employee statuses are incorrect and affect tax calculations.</em></p> Deni Febrianto Menur Kusumaningtyas Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 2 4 54 63 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1923 Pendampingan Peningkatan Kompetensi Menggunakan Quizizz Sebagai Asesmen Digital Bagi Guru SMA N 2 Bayang https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1914 <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. This assistance aims to increase competence in using Quizzizz as a digital assessment for teachers. The method used in this mentoring is the service learning method which follows three stages, namely "preparation stage, serving stage, and reflection stage." The activity took place over 1 meeting with the material being assistance in using the Quizizz application as a digital assessment. The object of this research is the teacher at SMA N 2 Bayang. The results of this assistance show that (1) quizizz is very easy for teachers to use in class and outside of class, (2) quizizz helps teachers prepare questions or assignments to evaluate students' understanding of the material that has been taught, (3) students cannot copy each other , because the questions displayed on Quizizz are randomized, (4) helps teachers analyze student learning outcomes, because Quiziz provides data and statistics about students' work results directly, and (5) makes it easier for teachers to provide homework. So it can be concluded that this mentoring activity is useful for increasing competence in using Quizzizz as a digital assessment for teachers.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Lisa Candra Sari Martin Kustanti Rezki Amelia Novrianti Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 2 4 64 70 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1914 Pengembangan Produk Bakso Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) Sebagai Sumber Gizi Pencegah Stunting di Desa Pulau Rambai, Kampar https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1928 <p>Ikan merupakan salah satu bahan baku yang kaya akan protein, asam amino dan asam lemak. Kandungan gizi tersebut sangat diperlukan terutama pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia dini. Kurangnya konsumsi makanan bergizi akan menyebabkan beberapa masalah salah satunya <em>stunting</em>. Desa Pulau Rambai, Kampar memiliki potensi di bidang perikanan, namun belum optimal dalam pemanfaatannya akibat kurangnya pengetahuan diversifikasi produk olahan perikanan. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan kegiatan sosialisasi gerakan makan ikan (GEMARIKAN) dan pengolahan diversifikasi produk ikan patin menjadi bakso. Metode pengabdian dilakukan secara langsung kepada murid dan orang tua murid TK Mawar Indah, Desa Pulau Rambai, Kampar. Program ini mencakup tahapan persiapan, pemaparan materi dan demonstrasi pelatihan pembuatan bakso ikan patin. Hasilnya adalah adanya produk bakso ikan patin yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber gizi pencegah stunting untuk anak usia dini.</p> Eirene Junita Br. Siagian Putri Regina Prayoga Uci Agustin Putra Agung Wiradharma Zia Nasywa Aninta Intan Syafdina Rahmat Irfandi Rahmad Suhendra Syafira Permata Sari Putriana Sari Sirait Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 2 4 71 76 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1928 SOSIALISASI PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGANAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL (PPKS) DI SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU EKONOMI LPI MAKASSAR https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1947 <p><em>The problem of sexual violence requires special handling. In contrast to the handling of other (especially criminal) cases which are usually oriented towards punishing the perpetrator, the handling of sexual violence cases is different. In Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021, it is stated that the handling of sexual violence cases includes (1) treatment, (2) protection, (3) imposition of administrative sanctions, and (4) recovery of victims. The principle of handling victims of sexual violence is to take the victim's perspective and not repeat cases. Having a victim perspective means that treatment must prioritize the victim's recovery, according to their needs, focus on their safety and comfort, and with the victim's consent. However, the existing reality shows that the community's understanding of the problem of sexual violence still needs to continue to be improved. An example is the university community's understanding of sexual violence which has various types. In Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021, it is stated that there are 21 types of acts that fall into the category of sexual violence. The results of reflection on Permendikbudristek Number 30 in 3 universities (State University of Malang/UM, University of North Sumatra/USU, and University of Palangkaraya/UPR) showed that 77% of respondents admitted to experiencing or knowing that there was sexual violence on their campus. Apart from that, it turned out that 9% of respondents admitted that they had only just become aware of the various types of violence and felt that they had committed sexual violence.</em></p> Baso Sardjan Indah Ramadhani Amir Muh. Anzhari Muhammad Isra’Chikah Arfah April Sisilia Bura Tasik Taswin Taswin Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-07-03 2024-07-03 2 4 77 83 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1947 SISTEM PEMASARAN DAN MOTIVASI KERJA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGEMBANGAN CATERING MAK NI EPI DI DESA GEDANGAN, KECAMATAN WIROSARI KABUPATEN GROBOGAN https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1972 <p>UMKM yang menjadi mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pengelola katering yang mana adanya keterbatasan pemasaran produk yang disebabkan kurangnya upaya peningkatan kemampuan karyawan.&nbsp;</p> <p>Metode kegiatan yang menjadi solusi untuk permasalahan mitra adalah dengan pendampingan berupa sosialisasi yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan sumber daya manusia. Kegiatan ini diarahkan untuk memberi motivasi kepada pengelola agar bisa menanamkan pemahaman akan pentingnya pemberian pengarahan bagi mitra sehingga dapat memperluas pengetahuan dan dalam rangka meningkatkan pengguna jasa katering pada produk mitra. Selain itu dilakukan juga kegiatan pendampingan yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan pengetahuan untuk memasarkan produk. Dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memperluas pengetahuan pengelola uasaha.</p> <p>Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah terwujudnya peningkatan pengetahuan pengelola mengenai pemasaran dan manajemen sumber daya manusia, serta memberikan pemahaman mitra mengenai pembukuan sederhana.</p> Nuruddin Mahmud Akhmad Nurrofi Fiderius Ismanto Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 2 4 84 89 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1972 PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISME GURU MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN MEDIA TIK MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI KAHOOT SDN KALIANGET TIMUR IX https://ejurnal.kampusakademik.co.id/index.php/japm/article/view/1967 <p>Pengabdian masyarakat dipandang sangat bermanfaat dan esensial dalam meningkatkan kondisi dan kualitas masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bekerjasama dengan Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kalianget Timur IX yang berada di Desa Kalianget Timur Kecamatan Kalianget. Adapun tuuan kegitan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk melatih keterampilan guru dalam membuat media interaktif berbasis TIK. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk pelatihan dengan tahapan pra-pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan, dan Evaluasi pasca pelaksanaan. Pendampingan dan pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran yang bersifat interaktif serta berbasis TIK sangat membantu guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kalianget Timur IX dalam meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilannya untuk membuat media pembelajaran yang menarik dan interaktif bagi peserta didik. Pada intinya program pengabdian masyarakat ini menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dialami mitra melalui pelatihan untuk melatih keterampilan guru dalam membuat media interaktif berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.</p> Yeni Puji Astuti Choli Astutik Asmoni Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 2 4 90 99 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1967