Peran Kekuasaan dan Politik dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi


  • Abdul Wahid Mahsuni Universitas Islam Malang
  • Fita Andriyani Aida Universitas Islam Malang
  • Noer Aida Fitriani Universitas Islam Malang
  • Ronaldus Ledo Universitas Islam Malang



In organisations, power and politics are inseparable. Individuals and groups seek to influence each other in every social interaction in the work environment. The ability to influence the behaviour of others is known as power. This can come in many forms, both formal and informal. However, organisational politics includes the approaches and strategies used by members of an organisation to make decisions and gain authority. The researcher used a case study to explore how power and politics are managed in a particular organisation. To find the main topics, secondary data analysis of the analysed journals was used. It shows how both aspects affect organisational performance directly. On the basis of the above research, it can be concluded that the following factors are important for achieving organisational goals: the positive and negative effects of power and politics, the role of leaders, and the effective management of power and politics. By understanding the dynamics of politics and power, companies can handle conflicts, improve performance, and create a more efficient and competitive.


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