Peran Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Timur Dalam Menjaga Asas Keadilan Saat Kampanye Pilkada 2024
Bawaslu, Election, Supervision, campaign, Pilkada, JusticeAbstract
The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) plays a strategic role in monitoring the 2024 elections, ensuring the implementation of the principles of Direct, General, Free, Secret, Honest and Fair (Luberjudil) which are the cornerstone of democracy in Indonesia. East Java Bawaslu is responsible for monitoring the campaign process, voting, and vote counting to prevent violations, fraud, and intimidation. This research uses the literature review method to identify relevant concepts, theories and findings, with data obtained from scientific articles on Google Scholar, as well as current journals that have a direct link to the topic. Data sources include election-related laws and regulations, books, journals and papers. Bawaslu also functions as a law enforcement body that processes reports of election violations and sanctions violators. This research focuses on campaign activities with an approach from Law No. 13 of 2024 on Election Campaigns. The purpose of the research is to ensure effective supervision by the East Java Bawaslu so that the 2024 elections are transparent, honest and fair, so that the legitimacy of the elected government is maintained, and to prevent violations such as money politics, black campaigns, spreading hoaxes and intimidation
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‘Peran Bawaslu dalam Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan Pilkada Role of Bawaslu in Law Enforcement and Election Justice Akhmad Hairil Anwar.pdf’ .
Prayogo, A. (2022) ‘Bawaslu: Pengawasan dan Tantangan Mewujudkan Pilkada Demokratis’, Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 11(3).

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