Teknik Pembuatan Perundang-Undangan: Prinsip, Metode, Dan Implementasi Dalam Sistem Hukum
Legislation, Legal Principles, Legal MethodsAbstract
Legislation is one of the important elements in the legal system that aims to create a just, orderly, and regular governance of society. This process involves basic principles such as legality, clarity, and accountability which are the main guidelines in producing quality legal norms. In addition, the application of appropriate methods, such as legal drafting, comparative legal analysis, participatory approaches, and regulatory impact analysis, is very important to ensure the relevance of laws to the needs of society. In the context of globalization, harmonization of national laws with international laws is also an unavoidable aspect. The implementation of legislation must be accompanied by effective education and supervision to ensure its compliance with the initial objectives. Therefore, the technique of making legislation not only functions as an administrative process, but also as a tool to achieve justice and social welfare. Learning and development of this technique must continue to be carried out in line with the developing social, political, and economic dynamics.
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