Implementasi Kontrak Elektronik Dalam Bisnis: Melihat Tantangan dan Risiko di Era Digital
Electronics, Contracts, BusinessAbstract
Humans' ability to create technology throughout the history of life has gone through a long process. The creation of technology can help human activities and make human life easier. The logical consequence of the existence of technology is that activities that were previously carried out directly without intermediaries have shifted through technology, including making electronic contracts. So this research will discuss electronic contracts in business, as well as look at the challenges and risks in the digital era. This research uses library research methods, namely primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials, namely by searching for concepts, theories, opinions or discoveries which have a close relationship to the subject matter. From the analysis carried out, the implementation of an electronic contract does not eliminate the legal terms of the previous contract. There are several things that must be considered, such as the use of e-signatures, smart contracts, digital applications, making it easier to carry out electronic contracts as well as efficiency in terms of costs.
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