Hubungan Antara Self Esteem Dengan Psychological Well Being Pada Karyawan
This study aims to analyze and describe the relationship between Self Esteem in employees, and the psychological level called well-being in employees in Jabodetabek. Based on data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) 2023, the level of stress of workers in Jabodetabek has increased by 15% compared to the previous year, and can affect the psychological well-being of employees. This study uses a quantitative approach with a correlational design and involves 134 students selected using probability sampling techniques with the simple random sampling method and using the G * Power application with a medium effect size to determine the number of samples. The data collection techniques used are the Psychological Well-being scale and the Self-esteem scale which have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique uses an assumption test with normality and linearity tests, as well as a hypothesis test with simple regression analysis and Spearman correlation. The results of this study indicate that Self Esteem has a significant effect on Psychological Well Being. This finding indicates that the higher the Self Esteem received by employees, the higher their level of Psychological Well Being. This study provides important implications for the development of support programs in understanding the relationship between self-esteem and Psychological Well Being in employees. By proposing the exploration of other variables that may play a role in this relationship, further research could enrich insights into the factors influencing Psychological Well being, particularly in the work context.
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