LKPD, Problem Based Learning, Critical ThinkingAbstract
The 21st century Biology learning emphasizes students to be able to master 4C skills, namely high level/critical thinking skills, having a creative mindset, communicating and being proficient in problem solving. Critical thinking skills can be facilitated by using real events that exist in the environment around students. Therefore, we need a LKPD that leads to problem solving activities so that students can learn critical thinking skills and can gain important insights and concepts. The research conducted aims to produce problem-based learning worksheets to train students' critical thinking skills on material environmental pollution sub-material water pollution that is valid, practical, and effective. The parameters measured in the study included the validity of the LKPD based on the presentation component, the content component and the language component, the effectiveness of the LKPD based on the results of critical thinking skills and student responses. This study uses the 4D development model (define, design, development, without disseminate). Data obtained by validation, observation and response questionnaire methods. Data were analyzed with quantitative descriptive. The data analysis technique, namely the validity was analyzed using a Likert scale, practicality by calculating the average percentage then interpreted into a Likert scale. The results of learning critical thinking skills and student responses based on the results of the validity of the LKPD material obtained a score of 86.1% so that it was stated to be very valid, the percentage of media validity was obtained by 88.7% so that it was stated to be very valid, and the teacher's response to the media obtained a score of 93.6% so that declared valid, the percentage of student responses was 84.7%. From the statements that have been presented, it can be concluded that the LKPD developed is stated to be valid, practical, and effective for use in the learning process
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