Dalihan Na Tolu sebagai Falsafah Etnik Batak di Sumatera Utara
Dalihan Na Tolu, Batak philosophy, social relations, cultural preservationAbstract
Dalihan Na Tolu is a Batak ethnic philosophy which is the basis for building social relations and maintaining harmony in society. This research aims to explore the role of Dalihan Na Tolu in the lives of the Batak people, especially in relation to regulating social relations and preserving culture in the modern era. This research uses a qualitative approach with observation, interviews and literature review methods. The research results show that the values of Dalihan Na Tolu, which include the concepts of hula-hula, boru, and dongan tubu, are still relevant as guidelines in maintaining social balance, even though facing the challenges of globalization. This research emphasizes the importance of efforts to preserve the Dalihan Na Tolu philosophy to maintain Batak cultural identity amidst current developments.
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