Bantuan Advokat Sebagai Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Dalam Penggunaan Restorative Justice Untuk Anak Pengedar Narkotika
children, drug, restorative justiceAbstract
Children are a gift that is always in the future for every family, children in the legal system are also referred to as special subjects because there is a separate law that discusses child protection and punishment of children, in the law even seizing children who are guilty must be protected in the legal system. A child is said to be legally incompetent before he or she reaches the mature age to be said to be legally competent, namely over 18 years of age. In this case, including children who distribute narcotics, in this research, normative legal research is used, where this research examines written matters, namely regarding restorative justice for children, where restorative justice is very necessary to give children special privileges as children in the legal system. whether it is a child who is already seventeen years old and will be eighteen years old in 2 minutes and at that time he is distributing narcotics, the child will still be considered a child because the age at which he committed the law violation has not yet reached the mature age to be said to be legally competent and can receive relief regarding various types of restorative justice such as diversion and splitting which are included in the restorative justice section to lighten the burden of punishment for children involved in drug trafficking.
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