Tanggung Jawab Para Pihak Dalam Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa Seumur Hidup
agreement,lease, for a lifetime.Abstract
This research aims to examine and analyze the legal consequences and obligations of the parties in a land lease agreement established for a lifetime duration. The research questions focus on the legal implications of such a lease agreement and the obligations that must be fulfilled by the parties if the agreement is declared void. This research is a normative-legal study that reviews various regulations related to the issues at hand, relying on secondary data through literature review. The findings indicate that the legal consequence of a lifetime lease agreement is that it is null and void due to the failure to meet objective requirements, leading to ambiguity regarding the duration of the agreement. Consequently, the agreement is considered non-existent, and all parties must revert to their original state before the lease was executed. Furthermore, a lifetime lease does not provide legal certainty for the agreement. If the lease is declared void, the obligations of the parties involve restoring everything to its previous condition. The tenant is required to return the leased land to the plaintiff (the lessor), while the lessor must refund the rental payments to the tenant (the lessee). The fulfillment of these obligations should be based on an agreement that fosters fairness for both parties.
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Peraturan perundang-undangan
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata
Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris.
Putusan Nomor 129/Pdt.G/2017/PT DPS.

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