Pengembangan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecerdasan Spiritual dalam Pendidikan Karakter Siswa
emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, character education, holistic integration, student developmentAbstract
Character education has become a major focus in global education systems, including in Indonesia, as a response to the challenges of globalization, technological advancements, and complex social changes. This study aims to explore the role of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence in shaping students' character, not only academically competent but also possessing integrity, empathy, and social awareness. Through a literature review and theoretical analysis, this research examines how these two aspects of intelligence can be integrated into the framework of character education. The findings indicate that emotional intelligence, which includes the ability to recognize, manage, and direct emotions, plays a crucial role in enhancing students' ability to manage conflicts, reduce mental stress, and build positive social relationships. Meanwhile, spiritual intelligence helps students understand the meaning of life, develop moral values, and build harmonious relationships with themselves, others, and God. The integration of these two aspects creates a strong foundation for shaping holistic student character. The main challenges in implementing character development programs are the lack of educators' understanding of the importance of emotional and spiritual intelligence, as well as limited resources and time. Therefore, this study recommends collaboration between schools, parents, and the community, as well as training for educators to create a learning environment that supports the comprehensive development of students' character
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