Quality, Service, Tadulako University.Abstract
Nurlela Sadu, Stambuk Number B102 22 092, with the research title, Quality of Service at the Academic Bureau of Student Affairs and Planning of Tadulako University. Guided by Abdul Rivai as the main supervisor and Muh Nawawi as the co-supervisor.This study aims to determine the Quality of at the Academic Bureau of Student Affairs and Planning of Tadulako University. This study used a descriptive method with qualitative data. The research location is at the Office of the Academic Bureau of Student Affairs and Planning (BAKP) of Tadulako University. Data obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used is the analysis of Miles and Huberman's data in Herdiansyah (2015) with four stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The theory used in this study is the theory of Parasuraman et all., (1988) by looking at five perspectives, namely Reliability (reliability), Responsiveness (responsiveness), assurance (assurance), Empathy (empathy), and Real Evidence (tangible).The results showed that of the five aspects of service quality used in this study, namely reliability, assurance, empathy, and tangible evidence, had been carried out by the Academic Bureau of Student Affairs and Planning (BAKP) of Tadulako University. Although there are still aspects that need to be developed, namely responsiveness, especially the speed of the Academic Bureau of Student Affairs and Planning (BAKP) in responding to questions and information needs needed by students through social media.
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