RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI2024-12-23T10:56:04+00:00Muhamad Sidikmgcn.sidik@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<h3><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI (JRME) </strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">berfokus pada penerbitan artikel berkualitas tinggi yang didedikasikan untuk semua aspek penelitian, masalah, dan perkembangan terbaru di bidang Ilmu Manajemen. Topik dalam Jurnal ini berkaitan dengan aspek apapun dari manajemen, namun tidak terbatas pada topik berikut : Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia , Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Sektor Publik, Manajemen Operasional, Manajemen Rantai Pasokan, Corporate Governance, Etika Bisnis, Akuntansi Manajemen dan Pasar Modal dan Investasi. berfokus pada penerbitan artikel berkualitas tinggi yang didedikasikan untuk semua aspek Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Akuntansi. Jurnal ini memberikan ruang bagi para peneliti untuk berdiskusi, mengejar dan meningkatkan pengetahuan di bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Bisnis dan Akuntansi yang terus berkembang. Artikel dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun</span></h3> <div class="description"> <p>6 kali<strong> ( Januari, Maret, Mei, Juli, September, November )</strong></p> </div> Effect of Halal Awareness and Habit on Purchase Decisions with Religiosity as a Moderating Factor2024-12-09T14:26:15+00:00Muhammad Hafidz Hasyimhafidz@gmail.comAmelindha<p><em>This study explores the influence of halal awareness and habit on halal product purchase decisions, with religiosity as a moderating variable. The research adopts a quantitative method with purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to Muslim consumers at Maliki Plaza, Malang. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the analysis revealed that halal awareness and habit significantly influence purchase decisions. Halal awareness enhances positive perceptions of halal products, while consumer habits create repetitive consumption patterns that strengthen loyalty. However, the results indicate that religiosity does not moderate the relationship between halal awareness, habit, and purchase decisions. These findings provide critical insights into relevant marketing strategies, particularly in enhancing halal education to promote awareness and consumer trust without relying on religiosity levels.</em></p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI DAN PELUANG MENUJU SISTEM PEMBAYARAN YANG LEBIH TERINTEGRASI2024-12-09T18:26:08+00:00Syarifah Aini Br Sinagasyarifahainibrsinaga@gmail.comMuhammad Irwan Padli<p>Perkembangan teknologi telah mendorong perubahan besar dalam system pembayaran, dari metode tunai menjadi pembayaran digital. Perubahan ini menawarkan banyak manfaat, seperti kemudahan transaksi, akses yang lebih luas untuk layanan keuangan, dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun, untuk mewujudkan sistem pembayaran yang benar-benar terintegrasi, banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Tantangan utama meliputi isu keamanan siber, perlindungan data pengguna, perbedaan regulasi antar negara, hingga keterbatasan infrastruktur teknologi dibeberapa wilayah.</p> <p>Di sisi lain, peluang untuk menciptakan sistem yang terintegrasi juga besar. Inovasi teknologi seperti block chain dapat membuat transaksi lebih aman dan efisien, sedangkan kolaborasi antara perbankan dan fintech dapat mempercepat prosesintegrasi. Peningkatan penggunaan e-wallet dan dukungan dari pemerintah melalui kebijakan yang inklusif juga mendukung terciptanya ekosistem pembayaran yang saling terhubung.</p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI KENAIKAN TARIF PPN TERHADAP TINGKAT KEMISKINAN DI INDONESIA2024-12-10T04:46:56+00:00Kadek Lia Fitrianifitriani.sudiartha@gmail.comFebsri<p><em>Poverty remains a serious issue in Indonesia, and since the implementation of the 11% VAT policy in April 2022, public concerns about its impact on livelihoods, particularly among the lower-middle class, have increased. Therefore, this study aims to address these concerns by examining the impact of the VAT rate increase on poverty levels in Indonesia. This research employs a qualitative literature study method using secondary data, including publications from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS), scientific journals, e-books, and online news. Data analysis was conducted using the Miles and Huberman approach, which involves data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The findings indicate that the increase in the VAT rate to 11% does not directly lead to a rise in poverty levels. In fact, it provides benefits such as increased tax revenue, which is expected to reduce the national budget deficit and promote development. However, this policy also impacts the public's purchasing power, leading to a decrease in consumption. The government is expected to continue monitoring and strengthening mitigation policies to address the impact of the VAT rate increase, preventing misuse and inefficiency in the budget.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI Supervisi Manajerial Dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Proses Pembelajaran2024-12-10T15:03:48+00:00Assyifa Wahidatul Sholehadianirdasari519@gmail.comDhea Tamaradianirdasari519@gmail.comDian Irdasaridianirdasari519@gmail.comSubandi<p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>This study aims to explore the role of managerial supervision in improving the effectiveness of the learning process in educational institutions. Managerial supervision, as part of school management, plays an important role in monitoring, evaluating, and providing support for improving the quality of learning. Through a qualitative approach, this study conducted an in-depth literature review of various related studies to analyze how the role of managerial supervision contributes to the quality of teaching, teacher motivation, and student academic achievement. The results of the study indicate that effective managerial supervision is able to create a conducive working environment for teachers, improve professional competence, and encourage innovation in teaching strategies. Supervision that is carried out in a planned and sustainable manner has been proven to have a positive impact on improving the quality of learning. The conclusion of this study shows that managerial supervision has a significant contribution in realizing an effective and quality learning process.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Managerial Supervision, Effectiveness, Learning Process</em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI KUALITAS DATA INFORMASI PADA SISTEM MANAJEMEN2024-12-13T04:10:44+00:00Nurul Muhammad Irwan Padli<p><em>Data accuracy and information quality are crucial elements in effective decision- making within organizations. Data accuracy refers to the extent to which data reflects the intended values or events, while information quality encompasses various dimensions, including accuracy, accessibility, contextuality, and representational quality. The information audit process is used to assess and improve information quality within organizations by identifying needs, resources, and existing information flows. Additionally, issues related to information quality, such as excessive information volume, security, and lack of resources, can hinder organizational performance. Developing an effective data quality management (DQM) system, including the implementation of data catalogs and observability, is an important step in enhancing accuracy and information quality. With a systematic approach, organizations can achieve high data quality standards, which in turn will support better business decisions and improve customer satisfaction.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI PERILAKU MANAJEMEN INFORMASI GENERASI Z DAN MILLENNIALS DI ERA DIGITAL (COMPARISON OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR OF GENERATION Z AND MILLENNIALS IN THE DIGITAL ERA)2024-12-13T04:52:54+00:00Nazhan Zahiranazhanzahira20@gmail.comMuhammad Irwan Padli<p><em>The rapid advancement of digital technology has resulted in significant differences in information management behavior between Generation Z and Millennials. This study aims to analyze the comparative behavior of these two generations in managing information in the digital age. The methodology employed is a literature review, analyzing various relevant journals regarding technology usage and information management behavior. The findings reveal that Generation Z adapts more quickly to new technologies and prefers fast and interactive formats for information, whereas Millennials tend to be more cautious and favor more traditional sources of information. Understanding these differences is crucial for organizations to develop effective communication and collaboration strategies. This research also opens avenues for further studies on other factors influencing information management behavior among both generations</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI SISTEM INFORMASI TERINTEGRASI TERHADAP KOMUNIKASI PERUSAHAAN2024-12-13T06:12:56+00:00Nur Afiqah Nabilanurafiqahnabila08@gmail.comMuhammad Irwan Padli<p><em>This research aims to analyze the influence of integrated systems on communication within the company. Using qualitative descriptive methods, this research investigates how the implementation of an integrated system can increase the effectiveness of both internal and external communication, as well as identifying the impact of its implementation on communication within the company, including the effectiveness of internal communication, business process efficiency, and its effect on employee productivity. The research results show that an integrated system not only facilitates the flow of information, but also strengthens relationships between departments and with parties outside the company. In this modern era, with the rapid development of information technology, information systems have become an integral part of almost all aspects of life, including the business world. Companies around the world are increasingly relying on information technology to manage their operations, make better decisions, and remain competitive in an ever-changing business environment. Therefore, it is important to understand and analyze the impact of information systems on a company's operational efficiency. Integrated systems are now a crucial element in modern business processes.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI PENGGUNAAN E-COMMERCE DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENJUALAN UMKM DI ERA DIGITAL2024-12-13T06:43:11+00:00Sariyani Muhammad Irwan Padli<p><em>This study aims to analyze the use of e-commerce in increasing MSME sales in the digital era. The main focus of this research is to identify the benefits that MSMEs gain from using e-commerce as well as the challenges they face. Indonesian people are increasingly familiar with the use of the internet, so they understand internet-based trading activities. The use of e-commerce has a role in changing the paradigm of a business. Business actors must understand and be able to apply the electronic sales system or e-commerce so that they are not left behind by other business people who have used the e-commerce system. This research method uses a literature study that uses previous literature related to the research topic. The results obtained in this study are that e-commerce is a necessity for MSMEs to improve and win business competition and product sales and make a significant contribution to the growth of MSMEs in terms of increasing revenue. The benefits that can be felt by MSMEs in using e-commerce are sales growth and market growth. However, in addition to obtaining benefits, there are certainly challenges that must be faced by MSMEs, namely, low digital literacy, limited infrastructure, and intense competition.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM CSR DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DI TENGAH ERA DIGITALISASI2024-12-15T03:03:34+00:00Nuursyifa Eka Putrianinggg22@gmail.comErsi<p>This study explores the effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in strengthening communities amidst the development of the digital era. The purpose of this study is to assess the contribution of CSR programs to sustainable community development by integrating digital tools and strategies. Using both qualitative approaches, the study analyzed and identified key elements that are instrumental in leveraging digitalization tp empower communities. The findings highlight the barriers and oppurtunities companiesface in aligning CSR program with technological innovation to achieve long-term social impact. This research provides valuable inshights for companies and policy makers to optimize CSR strategies in digital era.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI Kesadaran Lingkungan Terhadap Penerapan Akuntansi Lingkungan Di Sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM)2024-12-16T04:50:35+00:00Arifah Nurmalikaarifahnurmalikah@gmail.comErsi<p><em>This study aims to analyse the impact of environmental awareness on the application of environmental accounting in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. In a global context where sustainability is increasingly emphasised, environmental awareness is an important factor influencing business practices. This study uses a literature review to understand the relationship between environmental awareness and the application of environmental accounting. Several academic sources, journal articles and related reports were reviewed. The literature review shows that MSME owners are more environmentally aware, which contributes to better use of environmental accounting. This includes effective resource management, clear reporting of sustainability practices and measurement of the business impact on the environment. The study found that education and training that increases environmental awareness can encourage MSMEs to adopt better environmental accounting practices that support economic and environmental sustainability goals. Suggestions for further research, such as empirical studies to test these findings in the field, are also included.</em></p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI DAMPAK PENGUNGKAPAN AKUNTANSI LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN2024-12-16T05:20:31+00:00Devi Liadevilia2824@gmail.comErsi<p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of environmental accounting disclosure on firm value. Environmental accounting is an integral part of sustainability practices that has become increasingly significant amidst growing public and investor awareness of environmental issues. The data used in this study are secondary data from the annual reports of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over a specific period. Environmental accounting disclosure is measured using the environmental disclosure index based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, while firm value is measured using Tobin’s Q ratio. This research employs multiple linear regression to examine the relationship between environmental accounting disclosure and firm value, considering control variables such as firm size, profitability, and leverage. The results indicate that environmental accounting disclosure has a positive and significant effect on firm value. These findings suggest that companies actively disclosing environmental information receive greater market appreciation, as reflected in increased firm value. This study is expected to contribute to the development of environmental accounting literature and provide insights for companies to enhance their value through sustainable practices.</em></p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI IMPLEMENTASI AKUNTANSI LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN DAN LINGKUNGAN PERUSAHAAN2024-12-16T06:02:20+00:00Devi Puspita Saridevidp2202@gmail.comErsi<p><em>This study aims to investigate the impact of environmental accounting implementation on a company's financial and environmental performance. Environmental accounting is an approach that integrates environmental considerations into the company's financial management. This research uses a quantitative method with a descriptive approach to analyze data obtained from companies that have implemented environmental accounting systems. The data used includes financial reports and environmental reports published by the companies during the study period. The findings indicate that the implementation of environmental accounting has a positive effect on the company's financial performance, reflected in improved profitability and operational cost efficiency. Additionally, companies that implement environmental accounting also show better environmental performance, evidenced by reduced negative environmental impacts and increased compliance with environmental regulations. This study contributes to the literature on accounting and environmental management by highlighting the importance of environmental accounting as a tool for achieving sustainable business goals.</em></p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI PEMASARAN TRANSAKSIONAL PRESPEKTIF ISLAM2024-12-16T17:29:35+00:00Achmad Ilham Syiham Muzakky mudawamahdewi10@gmail.comSulistyowati<p><em>Transactional marketing is a strategy focused on achieving short-term sales transactions through promotional tools such as discounts, bundling, and other incentives. While effective in increasing sales volume, transactional marketing is often criticized for neglecting long-term customer relationships. The Islamic perspective offers an alternative approach in implementing this strategy by integrating Sharia principles such as wisdom (hikmah), need, halal, welfare (falah), and mutual consent. By applying the characteristics of Islamic marketing, including rabbaniyyah (theistic), akhlaqiyyah (ethical), al-waqi’iyyah (realistic), and insaniyyah (humanistic), transactional marketing can become more ethical, inclusive, and have a positive impact on society. The application of Sharia principles in transactional marketing not only brings financial benefits but also creates fair, transparent business relationships that prioritize the welfare of the community. Therefore, Islamic marketing in the transactional context becomes a sustainable business solution, aligned with the principles of justice and goodness in Islam.</em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI SOFTWARE UNTUK MEMPERKUAT SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN PADA BANK SYARIAH2024-12-17T16:45:15+00:00Putri Andriani Jambakhesfda@gmail.comUzlah Hansel Bahrin<p><em>This research aims to develop a management information system in Islamic banks through software innovation. In this article, this article discusses operating systems, applications and programming languages, as well as the role of strategic management in Islamic banks. In this research, qualitative methods were used. Qualitative methods use qualitative data and describe it descriptively to evaluate social events, phenomena or situations. Operating systems are grouped by user interface into CUI and GUI, with examples such as DOS, UNIX, and Windows. Application systems, which are designed to process data, include various types of software such as desktop and web applications. Programming languages are a means of communication between humans and machines, including algorithms that are the basis for program design. In addition, this article outlines the development of strategic management in Islamic banks, which focuses on the formulation, implementation and assessment of strategies to ensure compliance with sharia principles. In this context, information technology plays an important role in increasing financial efficiency and inclusion. The application of artificial intelligence at Bank Syariah Indonesia shows a positive impact on customer experience and operational efficiency. Sharia financial product innovations were also discussed, highlighting the importance of SWOT analysis and customer relationship management (CRM) strategies in facing competition. Finally, this article notes the challenges Islamic banks face in identifying profitable projects and adapting to developments in digital banking technology.</em></p>2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) DAN REPUTASI PERUSAHAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN NILAI PERUSAHAAN2024-12-17T03:49:18+00:00Muhammad Al Bukhori malbukhori05@gmail.comErsi Sisdianto<p><em>This study aims to analyze the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), corporate reputation, and company value. The method used is a qualitative approach through literature study, with secondary data collection from annual reports and academic journals. The results show that companies actively engaged in CSR tend to have better reputations, which positively contributes to company value. Reputation acts as a mediator between CSR and company value, where a good reputation enhances investor and customer trust. This study emphasizes the importance for companies to design relevant and transparent CSR programs, thus strengthening their reputation and achieving long-term sustainability.</em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI TANTANGAN DAN PELUANG IMPLEMENTASI CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DALAM DUNIA BISNIS DI INDONESIA2024-12-17T03:37:51+00:00Nadila Rahma Watinadila2092@gmail.comErsi Sisdianto<p><em>Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important component in today's business strategy, especially in Indonesia. This concept initially emerged to address the negative impacts of companies on the environment and society, but has now evolved into a strategic approach to support sustainability. This study aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities for implementing CSR in Indonesia, including the history of its development, the benefits generated, obstacles to implementation, and strategic opportunities in the era of globalization. Although regulated in laws and regulations, the implementation of CSR in Indonesia still experiences various obstacles such as lack of understanding of small and medium business actors, overlapping regulations and weak supervision. However, there are great opportunities for companies that are able to utilize CSR to create shared value and support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Effective CSR can be a major pillar of inclusive and sustainable economic growth.</em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI AI DALAM SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EFISIENSI BISNIS (APPLICATION OF AI IN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM TO IMPROVE BUSINESS EFFICIENCY)2024-12-18T02:05:56+00:00Agfahmi Dinataagfahmidinata@gmail.comMuhammad Irwan Padli<p><em>Increasing business efficiency is the main goal for every company. As technology develops, AI has emerged as a potential solution to increase efficiency in various aspects of business, including management information systems. This journal discusses the application of artificial intelligence in management information systems to improve business efficiency. It discusses how artificial intelligence can help in data processing, analysis, decision making, and automation of various business processes. Apart from that, this journal also discusses the challenges and opportunities faced in implementing artificial intelligence, as well as providing recommendations for effective implementation. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of smarter and more efficient management information systems, as well as help companies achieve more optimal business goals.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI Efektivitas: Pengumpulan dan Pendistribusian Dana Zakat oleh BAZNAS Pekanbaru dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat2024-12-19T05:47:21+00:00Sartika Alusnasartikaalusna@gmail.comErica Sasmita Erica@gmail.comSusila<p><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of zakat collection and distribution by BAZNAS Pekanbaru in the context of community empowerment. The research employed a qualitative descriptive approach by analyzing both primary and secondary data. The findings indicate that zakat collection realization only reached 26.7% of its potential, constrained by insufficient outreach and lack of technological utilization. In terms of distribution, empowerment programs have benefited recipients; however, their impact remains unsustainable due to limited guidance and evaluation. This study recommends enhancing technology-based strategies, strengthening stakeholder collaboration, and involving communities to improve the effectiveness of zakat management in Pekanbaru.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI KINERJA KARYAWAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIFITAS PADA BUMDES DI KECAMATAN BANTAN2024-12-19T06:05:41+00:00Ahmad Tarmizidi.tn09@gmail.comIrawan Irawan Irawan@gmail.comHadi<p><em>This study aims to analyze the employee performance strategies implemented by BUMDes in Bantan District and their impact on employee productivity. The research uses a descriptive quantitative approach with simple linear regression analysis to examine the relationship between performance strategies and employee productivity. Data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to 50 randomly selected employees of BUMDes. The results show a significant positive relationship between the implementation of performance strategies and employee productivity, with an R-squared value of 65.8%. This indicates that improving the quality of performance strategies, such as training, rewards, and effective human resource management, can enhance employee productivity. This study provides recommendations for BUMDes to strengthen training programs and incentives for employees as part of efforts to increase productivity.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI SUPERVISI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI ERA DIGITAL2024-12-19T13:19:07+00:00Annisa Nur Fathiyahnurfathiyahnisa@email.comGindara Dwi Hendrawatidwigindara@gmail.comSubandi<p><em>This study aims to explore the implementation of supervision in learning in the digital era, which is becoming increasingly important along with the development of information technology. The background of this study focuses on the challenges faced by educators in integrating technology into the learning process and the need for effective supervision support. The method used in this study is a literature study, in which the author collects and analyzes data from various relevant literature sources. The findings of the study indicate that data-based and technology-based supervision can improve the quality of learning and assist teachers in adapting more innovative teaching methods. The implications of this study emphasize the importance of training and guidance for teachers to optimally utilize digital technology in the learning process. Thus, this study provides recommendations for educational policy makers to strengthen the supervision system in the context of digital education.</em></p>2024-12-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI ERA MODERN 2024-12-19T13:32:02+00:00Dika Anggraini Puspitadikaanggraini09@gmail.comSefti Lediya Devianinggg22@gmail.comSetia Nisadikaanggraini09@email.comHeni<p><em>Analyzing the tecnologi between economic growth in modern times is important for understanding complex economic dynamics. Economic growth reflects an increase in productive capacity and income, and economic structure describes the composition of sectors that contribute to the economy. In an ever-changing global context, the synergy between the two can be seen through increased productivity in key sectors such as technology, manufacturing and services. In modern times, technological innovation has become the main driver of economic growth. Sectors that adopt new technology tend to be more efficient and competitive. This not only encourages growth, but also changes the structure of the economy along with the emergence of new sectors and the transformation of old sectors. A diverse and balanced economic structure can support sustainable growth. If a country has a variety of sectors that complement each other, the risk of economic shocks can be minimized. Therefore, this synergy analysis is important for policy makers to develop strategies that not only encourage growth but also enable the economic structure to remain resilient and adaptable in the face of global change.</em></p>2024-12-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI PENGEMBANGAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI INDONESIA 2024-12-19T13:35:34+00:00Diah Sagita Fitridiahsagitafitri5425@gmail.comRahmat Gus Faozananinggg22@gmail.comSari NurkhasanahSari Nurkhasanahdiahsagitafitri5425@gmail.comHeni<p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of industrial sector development on Indonesia's economic growth, which is one of the main pillars in improving people's welfare. The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis and data collection is carried out through a literature review of various relevant sources such as articles and statistical reports. The results show that the industrial sector makes a significant contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) and job creation, as well as contributing to increasing value creation through raw material processing. In addition, the development of the industrial sector also encourages innovation and technological progress which are very important in increasing Indonesia's competitiveness in the global market. This study highlights the importance of government policy support in creating an environment that supports the growth of the industrial sector so that it can contribute more to sustainable economic growth in Indonesia.</em></p>2024-12-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI Peran Pemimpin terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Bio Foto Studio Nganjuk2024-12-19T12:21:32+00:00Achmad Ilham Syiham Muzakky achmadilham25@gmail.comAndriani<p> Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) memegang peranan penting dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan bidang manajemen lainnya dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Masalah kinerja karyawan seringkali menjadi hambatan bagi pertumbuhan organisasi. Pemimpin yang berkualitas mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan Bio Foto Studio di Kabupaten Nganjuk sebagai objek penelitian. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pimpinan Bio Foto Studio secara efektif menjalankan peran sebagai motivator, direktur, supervisor, dan komunikator. Produktivitas pegawai meningkat karena adanya motivasi, arahan, dan pengawasan yang diberikan oleh pemimpin. Upaya peningkatan kualitas kinerja pegawai dilakukan melalui pengawasan dan bimbingan yang efektif. Selanjutnya, tepat waktu penyelesaian tugas dipengaruhi oleh pengawasan dan arahan pemimpin.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI AKTIVITAS VALUE CHAIN TERHADAP KUALITAS PRODUK PADA UMKM BIKA AMBON2024-12-20T02:46:19+00:00Ricky Dian Farindah Damanikdianfarindah@gmail.comFarah Ananda Lubisfarahananda41@gmail.comTitania Febriantititaniafebriantian94@gmail.comNurbaiti<p><em>Micro,i Smalli andi Mediumi Enterprisesi (MSMEs)i arei onei ofi thei people'si businessesi thati havei ai significanti contributioni toi thei country'si economy.i Ani effectivei andi efficienti valuei chaini willi certainlyi makei businessi activitiesi ablei toi continuei toi survivei ini thei midsti ofi increasinglyi tighti industriali competition.i Ini accordancei withi thisi study,i thei influencei ofi valuei chaini activitiesi oni producti qualityi ini MSMEsi bikai amboni ini thei cityi ofi Medan.i Thisi studyi usesi ai descriptivei qualitativei methodi byi utilizingi secondaryi datai toi accessi thei latesti datai andi informationi relatedi toi thei Valuei Chaini oni producti qualityi ini MSMEsi bolui Bikai Amboni ini thei cityi ofi Medan.i Thei resultsi ofi thisi studyi arei thati thei applicationi ofi valuei chaini analysisi hasi ai significanti influencei oni improvingi thei qualityi ofi bolui Bikai Amboni products.i Byi conductingi detailedi mappingi ofi eachi stagei ini thei productioni processi -i startingi fromi thei procurementi ofi rawi materials,i thei productioni process,i toi distributioni -i MSMEsi bolui Bikai Amboni cani identifyi andi improvei importanti aspectsi thati affecti thei qualityi ofi theiri products. </em><em>With the aim of identifying and evaluating each stage in the value chain that contributes to improving product quality, as well as providing strategic recommendations for MSME players to optimize their value chain management.</em></p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI IMPLEMENTASI JOB DESCRIBTION SEBAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KINERJA KARYAWAN 2024-12-19T12:24:21+00:00Dewi Mudawamahmudawamahdewi10@gmail.comAndriani<p>This research aims to analyze the practice of implementing job descriptions and their contribution to employee performance at PT. Jatinom Indah Agri. Based on the phenomena found, companies operating in the chicken feed sector do not yet have clear and specific job description documents, although verbal communication regarding duties has been implemented. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection through interviews and observation. The research results show that even though the job description is informal, employees can understand their duties and responsibilities, which has a positive impact on performance. However, lack of documentation leads to misunderstandings and overlapping responsibilities, which hinders coordination between divisions. Therefore, it is important for PT. Jatinom Indah Agri to document job descriptions systematically and up to date to increase work efficiency and achieve company goals. This research underlines the importance of good human resource management through the application of job descriptions as a tool to control and limit employee performance.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI Pasar Rakyat Sebagai Implementasi Demokrasi Ekonomi (Studi Pada Pasar Kober Purwokerto Barat Kabupaten Banyumas)2024-12-20T05:07:38+00:00Divka Avedishdivkaavedish@gmail.comAyu Nursasiayunursasi8823@gmail.comMuhammad Luqmanluqmanelhaq77@gmail.comQothrotun Nadaqothrotunada@gmail.comSiti<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pasar Kober di Purwokerto Barat berperan dalam mengimplementasikan prinsip demokrasi ekonomi untuk mendukung pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data primer melalui observasi langsung, wawancara dengan pedagang dan pengelola pasar, serta dokumentasi aktivitas pasar. Sedangkan Data sekunder diperoleh dari berbagai sumber pustaka yang membahas pasar rakyat, demokrasi ekonomi, dan pengelolaan pasar tradisional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pasar Kober berfungsi tidak hanya sebagai pusat perekonomian lokal, tetapi juga sebagai simbol pemberdayaan ekonomi kerakyatan. Kebijakan seperti kebebasan pedagang dalam menentukan harga dan larangan memperjualbelikan lapak menjadi ciri khas pasar ini. Meskipun demikian, pasar menghadapi tantangan modernisasi, termasuk persaingan dengan pasar modern dan resistensi pedagang terhadap teknologi pembayaran digital seperti QRIS. Pengelolaan yang adil dan inklusif oleh pemerintah, termasuk penyediaan fasilitas dan sosialisasi harga pasar, mendukung keinginan pasar tradisional ini. Studi ini merekomendasikan strategi adaptasi, seperti digitalisasi dan perbaikan manajemen pasar, untuk memperkuat daya saing pasar rakyat tanpa menghilangkan nilai-nilai demokrasi ekonomi. Pasar Kober menjadi contoh pengelolaan pasar tradisional yang tetap relevan dan berkelanjutan di era modern.</span></span></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN GENERASI MILENIAL DI ERA DIGITAL2024-12-22T02:12:03+00:00Tari Nur Syafni<p><em>This research analyzes the impact of job satisfaction on the performance of millennial generation employees in the digital era. In this case, job satisfaction is considered a crucial element that can improve performance, especially in a work environment influenced by technology. The findings show that job satisfaction has a significant positive influence on employee performance, with a contribution reaching 91.5% in increasing productivity. This research emphasizes the importance of understanding the characteristics of the millennial generation to create a work environment that supports and maximizes their performance.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA TOKO CEMILLICIOUS KECAMATAN PENAJAM2024-12-22T14:49:53+00:00Deni Norjanahdenynoorjanah246@gmail.comAmelia<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Toko Cemillicious, Tanjung Harapan, Penajam Paser Utara. Latar belakang penelitian ini berfokus pada fluktuasi omset selama Triwulan 1 hingga Triwulan 3 tahun 2024, yang diduga dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pelayanan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei, melibatkan pelanggan selama bulan November 2024 sebagai sampel melalui teknik <em>sampling</em> jenuh. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner berskala Likert dan dianalisis dengan regresi linear sederhana menggunakan SPSS versi 27. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan nilai R Square sebesar 0,130, koefisien regresi sebesar 0,580, dan nilai t hitung sebesar 3,833 (p < 0,001). Indikator <em>Responsiveness</em>, <em>Empathy</em>, dan <em>Reliability</em> merupakan aspek yang paling dominan dalam memengaruhi keputusan pembelian. Implikasi praktis penelitian ini menekankan perlunya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan melalui pelatihan karyawan, survei rutin kepuasan pelanggan, dan perbaikan konsistensi layanan untuk menjaga stabilitas omset. Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan pada cakupan waktu yang sempit dan metode analisis yang sederhana, sehingga studi lanjutan dengan pendekatan lebih mendalam diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih komprehensif.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI Manajemen Kinerja Dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Operasional Pada Perusahaan Asuransi2024-12-22T02:51:06+00:00Thasya Zainarti<p>This article aims to identify and analyze effective performance management strategies to enhance operational effectiveness in insurance companies. The study employs a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach on a leading insurance company in Indonesia. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and analysis of internal company documents. The results indicate that the implementation of a balanced scorecard, the adoption of digital technology in operational processes, and the continuous development of human resource competencies are key factors supporting optimal performance achievement. These strategies have been proven to improve efficiency, strengthen customer service, and maintain the company’s competitiveness amidst the dynamic and competitive insurance industry.</p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI RESIKO KETIDAKPATUHAN UPAH MINIMUM: STUDI KASUS PADA PT BIOMASSAL NUSANTARA DESA TERANG BULAN 2024-12-23T02:19:04+00:00Sri Pujiyama Pasaribu sripujiyamapasaribu@gmail.comArsyadona Trixsi Pramaiselaaisya1663@gmail.comM Ramadhan AI Ansari skygivenlee@gmail.comYeni Inayah<p>Managing non-compliance with minimum wage regulations is a serious issue in the Indonesian <br>industrial sector, especially in companies operating in remote areas. This article analyzes the case of PT <br>Biomassal Nusantara in Terang Bulan Village, North Sumatra which has not complied with regional <br>minimum wage standards. These issues present legal, reputational and productivity risks that can threaten <br>a company's sustainability. The aim of this research is to identify and assess the risks posed by non<br>compliance with minimum wages at PT Biomassal Nusantara and provide mitigation recommendations <br>based on the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. The research results show that non<br>compliance increases the risk of fines, lawsuits and reputational harm, and has a negative impact on <br>employee motivation and productivity. This article recommends standardized wage policies, compliance <br>education for management and staff, and regular audits to ensure the accuracy of compensation <br>management. Compliance with minimum wage regulations has proven to be not only legally important, but <br>also strategic for building sustainability and good relations with the community and employees.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI PENGARUH REWARD DAN PUNISHMENT TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN 2024-12-23T10:56:04+00:00Nurriza Sofiastutinurrizasofiastuti19@gmail.comAndriani<p>Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang pengaruh penerapan <em>reward</em> (penghargaan) dan <em>punishment </em>(hukuman) terhadap kinerja karyawan di sektor perbankan syariah. <em>Reward</em> (penghargaan) bertujuan meningkatkan motivasi kerja melalui penghargaan finansial dan non-finansial, sementara <em>punishment</em> (hukuman) dimaksudkan menegakkan disiplin dan mencegah pelanggaran aturan. Berdasarkan studi literatur, <em>reward</em> (penghrgaan) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pekerjaan. Namun, efek <em>punishment</em> (hukuman) bervariasi, tergantung pada keadilan dan proporsionalitas penerapannya. Kombinasi <em>reward</em> (penghargaan) dan <em>punishment </em>(hukuman) yang diterapkan secara simultan terbukti lebih efektif dalam mendorong produktivitas, disiplin, dan kualitas kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menyarankan perusahaan untuk menyeimbangkan kedua pendekatan tersebut demi optimalisasi kinerja karyawan.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI RASIO SOLVABILITAS DALAM MENGUKUR KINERJA KEUANGAN PADA PERUSAHAAN PT ASURANSI JIWA SYARIAH AMANAHJIWA GIRI ARTHA PADA TAHUN 2021-20232024-12-22T08:59:58+00:00Zairnarti Zairnarti zainartimm60@gmail.comNovita<p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja keuangan PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Amanahjiwa Giri Artha tahun 2021–2023 dengan menganalisis rasio solvabilitas. Rasio utang terhadap aset (DAR), rasio utang terhadap ekuitas (DER), dan rasio utang terhadap ekuitas jangka panjang (LTDER) termasuk di antara rasio solvabilitas yang diteliti. Catatan keuangan perusahaan dijadikan sebagai sumber data, yang kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Berdasarkan temuan studi tersebut, DAR perusahaan pada tahun 2021 memenuhi norma-norma industri, namun pada tahun 2022 dan 2023 meningkat melebihi norma, sehingga menunjukkan kemungkinan likuidasi yang lebih tinggi. Hingga tahun 2022, DER perseroan masih dalam batas normal; namun, pada tahun 2023, angka tersebut melampaui batas normal, yang berarti peningkatan rasio utang terhadap ekuitas. Bisnis ini telah menunjukkan manajemen tanggung jawab jangka panjang yang baik dengan terus mempertahankan LTDER di bawah norma industri. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa menjaga rasio solvabilitas di bawah persyaratan industri sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kinerja keuangan dan meminimalkan risiko keuangan. Diharapkan dunia usaha dan pemangku kepentingan akan menggunakan studi ini sebagai panduan ketika membuat keputusan keuangan strategis.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL RUMPUN MANAJEMEN DAN EKONOMI