Analisis Daya Pikir Masyarakat Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Guna Menangkal Berita Hoax Mengenai Pemilihan Umum 2024
Hoax; 2024 Election; Decision-MakingAbstract
Indonesia will hold general elections to elect the president in 2024. Hoax news regarding the election cannot be avoided. The spread of hoaxes is increasingly widespread due to laws that are not yet effective, the use of online media that is not balanced by the abilities of the users, and a lack of public literacy. This research aims to provide solutions in reviewing and developing people’s thinking in overcoming and responding to the challenges of hoax information related to elections and future political issues that are more complex. This research used qualitative methods and data collection techniques through literature studies. This paper uses Herbert Simon’s theory of rational decision making which shows three steps in decision making, namely identifying problems, finding and developing alternative solutions, selecting and choosing each alternative solution. The result of this research is that problem the spread of election hoax news aims to reduce public trust in election management institutions, election participants, and the government. The author provides several solutions that the public can use as a basis for making decisions regarding the circulation of hoax news, namely: (1) self-criticism; (2) increasing digital literacy; (3) involvement of community leaders; and (4) participatory political education. The author chose the second solution, namely increasing digital literacy, as a solution to minimizing the spread of hoaxes. Digital literacy is the basis for other solutions that can help people develop skills for selecting news on social media.
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