Analisis Komparatif Pemikiran Sekularisasi Politik Islam: Ali Abd Raziq dan Nurcholish Madjid
Secularization, Islamic Politcs, Thought.Abstract
The secularization of Islamic politics has been a hotly debated topic among Muslim scholars. Two figures who have an important role in influencing thinking about the secularization of Islamic politics are Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid. This research aims to comparatively analyze the thoughts on the secularization of Islamic politics of Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid. The research method used is comparative analysis with a qualitative approach. The data used are the works of Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid which are related to the secularization of Islamic politics. The research results show that Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid have different thoughts about the secularization of Islamic politics. Ali Abd Raziq believes that the secularization of Islamic politics is a necessity to separate religion from the state. Meanwhile, Nurcholish Madjid believes that the secularization of Islamic politics is a process that must be carried out gradually and taking into account Islamic values.The conclusion of this research is that the thoughts on the secularization of Islamic politics between Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid have significant differences. However, both have the same goal, namely to promote freedom and justice in Muslim societies.
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