JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH <p><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: 'Noto Serif', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;">Jurnal Sains Student Research <strong>(JSSR)</strong>, ISSN: (cetak), ISSN: (online) adalah jurnal yang ditujukan untuk publikasi artikel ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh CV. Kampus Akademik Publising . Jurnal Sains Student Research <strong>(JSSR) </strong></span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: 'Noto Serif', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;">merupakan platform publikasi jurnal Karya suatu hasil penelitian orisinil atau tinjauan Pustaka yang ditulis oleh dosen atau mahasiswa. Ruang lingkup karya yang diterbitkan mencakup Multidisiplin diantaranya yaitu: Manajemen, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Syariah, Akuntansi, Kewirausahaan, Bisnis, Ilmu Sosial Humaniora, Sastra, Bahasa, Pertanian, Kesehatan, Peternakan, perikanan, Politik, Pendidikan, Ilmu Teknik, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Elektro dan Informatika, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Ilmu Komunikasi, Hukum. Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun </span>6 kali<strong> (Februari, April, Juni, Agustus, Oktober, Desember)</strong></p> CV. KAMPUS AKADEMIK PUBLISING en-US JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 3025-986X Analisis Kesesuaian Laporan Pengelolaan Zakat dengan Standar PSAK 109 di Masjid Nurul Jannah Desa Poleonro Kabupaten Bone <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the zakat management report at Masjid Nurul Jannah in Poleonro Village, Libureng District, Bone Regency, to determine whether it complies with the PSAK 109 standard on zakat management, and to understand how the distribution of zakat takes place. The research method used is qualitative, involving interviews, observations, and document analysis. The results show that the financial reporting in the zakat management at Masjid Nurul Jannah is still very simple and does not fully comply with PSAK 109 standards. The distribution of zakat is carried out fairly and evenly, but improvements are needed to further enhance and increase the welfare of the community in the area.</em></p> Nurfadillah Nurfadillah Hartas Hasbi Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 3 2 01 12 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3741 Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas PT DMI Untuk Mengurangi Tingkat Kerusakan Pada Produk Servo Motor dengan Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma <p><em>The manufacturing industry, particularly in the automotive and electronic component sectors, faces various challenges in producing high-quality goods while maintaining optimal production efficiency. PT DMI, which is engaged in manufacturing automotive components, is trying to improve the quality of its products, especially on servo motor components that play an important role as drivers in various automotive applications. However, the company was experiencing serious problems related to a high rate of product defects, which resulted in additional costs due to the remanufacturing process and decreased customer satisfaction.To overcome these issues, an effective quality control approach is needed. One method that has proven effective is Six Sigma, which focuses on reducing variability in the production process and eliminating product defects. Through the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) approach, Six Sigma can help companies identify and resolve the source of problems that cause product defects. This research aims to implement Six Sigma as a quality control strategy at PT DMI and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing defects in servo motor products. Thus, the company is expected to increase productivity and meet international quality standards.</em></p> Rizky Ramdani Miftahul Fadilah Lastri Sulastri Jimmy Alfaruqi Ramadan Irvan Firdaus Tri Ngudi Wiyatno Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-11 2025-01-11 3 2 13 25 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3792 Strategi Etnik Jawa Dalam Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam <p><em>This research examines Javanese ethnic strategies in utilizing natural resources, which are based on local wisdom, cultural values and social norms that have been passed down from generation to generation. In the view of Javanese society, the environment is considered an integral part of life that must be maintained in balance. The principle of harmony with nature is realized through various traditional practices, such as terraced farming systems, crop rotation, and collective management of water resources. In addition, the value of mutual cooperation is an important basis for managing resources, creating a communal-based system that strengthens community solidarity. This approach not only involves sustainable use of natural resources, but also conflict resolution through deliberation and consensus, prioritizing inclusive social dialogue. In facing modernization, Javanese people are able to combine technological innovation with local wisdom to increase the efficiency of resource management without destroying the ecosystem. A concrete example of this adaptation can be seen in agricultural land management which combines organic techniques with modern irrigation technology. The results of this research show that these strategies not only support environmental sustainability but also strengthen the social and economic resilience of communities. This study underlines the importance of integration between tradition and innovation in creating adaptive and sustainable natural resource management models. These findings make a significant contribution to the development of culture-based policies for managing natural resources at local and national levels.</em></p> Ella Anggraini Nadila Roselani Syaidatul Azhari Nuriza Dora Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-14 2025-01-14 3 2 26 36 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3808 Analisis Lean Manufacturing Untuk Menurunkan Waste Waiting Pada Proses Assembly di PT. Z <p><em>This study aims to identify and reduce waiting waste in the assembly process of product X through the application of lean manufacturing principles. The methods employed include value stream mapping, cycle time analysis, and the implementation of 5S. Conducted at PT. Z, the results indicate several significant sources of waiting waste, such as additional movements during material disposal and retrieval, waiting for materials during the buffing process, and machine downtime during the welding bracket process. By applying lean tools such as balanced production, single minute exchange of die, and a kanban system. Furthermore, resource utilization improved, and product quality also showed enhancement. The conclusion of this research emphasizes that lean manufacturing is an effective approach to addressing waiting waste issues in the assembly process and enhancing production efficiency.</em></p> David Arifin Muhamad Arman Maulana Feriyansah Feriyansah MD. Rafiffallah Tri Ngudi W Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-15 2025-01-15 3 2 37 45 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3826 Penggunaan Teknologi informasi Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Industri <p><em>In facing increasingly competitive business competition today, the development of information technology has a huge impact on company competitiveness. In order for companies to be competitive, companies must continuously follow developments and advances in information technology. One of the advantages of a company's competitiveness is using economic criteria with measures of effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. The aim of applying information technology for companies is to obtain a value chain from information technology that is useful in all aspects of business which is oriented towards increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of employees and companies to obtain targeted margins with minimal risk and costs.</em></p> Tio Ramadan Anas Nurrahman Cahya vallenio Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 3 2 46 52 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3852 Analisis Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Iso 9001:2015 Dalam Mempengaruhi Kualifikasi Akademik Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT Sarana Utama Adimandiri) <p><em>In the facing of both consumer demand and global competition, the quality of products or services produced by companies should be noted as consumers' awareness of the quality of products or services is increasing. For this reason the company needs to get international recognition regarding the ordinary quality management, the iso 9001:2015 certification. Consistent application will affect customer or customer loyalty. Here the role of peak management is crucial to understanding market conditions and demand and to devise appropriate strategies for achieving corporate goals. The study aims to depict the application of the iso 9001:2015 quality management system in the mainstream of the adisystem, analyzing the impact of its application to support corporate engineering activities in obtaining project contracts, and the factors that support and implement these. The type of research used is descriptive and analysed by qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are conducted by observation, documentation, and interviews with selected informants by select sampling methods.</em></p> Lalang Dintara Shofiyaturrohmah Shofiyaturrohmah Aulia Deswita Rafli Alfariz Tri Ngudi Wiyatno Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 3 2 53 61 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3871 Peran dan Tantangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dalam Menjaga Keunggulan Kompetitif Organisasi <p>Management Information Systems have the main purpose of being an organizer, provider and a means of realizing operational efficiency, the basis for decision making, service to consumers and innovation and product creation. Seeing the development of the times, SIM has a structured, neat and easier program design. The role of SIM is aimed at meeting better quality and competitiveness. In SIM, the fulfillment of consumer demand is very concerned which plays a major role in maintaining the organization's commercial advantage. This positive contribution that organizations get through management information systems makes the state thinner on how important this system is.</p> Dinda Puspita Sari Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-20 2025-01-20 3 2 62 69 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3894 TANTANGAN DAN PELUANG ICT DALAM PENGELOLAAN PERENCANAAN ORGANISASI <p><em>Key organizational planning in management is influenced by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT provides fast access to information and analytical tools that support decision making. However, challenges such as system integration, data security, and lack of digital skills still hinder many organizations. This study uses a qualitative approach with secondary data analysis from industry reports and case studies. The results show that organizations that are able to overcome these challenges can gain competitive advantage. With the right strategy, ICT can improve efficiency and responsiveness in a dynamic market.</em></p> Dinda Ravina Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-20 2025-01-20 3 2 70 78 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3895 ANALISIS PROSES PENGKLAIMAN PESERTA JHT BPJS KETENAGAKERJAAN KANTOR CABANG RANTAU PRAPAT <p><em>This research aims to analyze the claim process for Old Age Security (JHT) participants at the BPJS Employment Rantau Prapat Branch Office. The claims process is a crucial aspect of social security services, which directly influences participant satisfaction. The method used in this research is a qualitative-descriptive approach, with data collection through in-depth interviews and observations of claim participants and BPJS officers. The research results show that there are several factors that influence the smoothness of the claim process, including participants' understanding of the claim procedure, completeness of the documents submitted, and efficiency of service from officers. Apart from that, it was also found that participants often experienced obstacles, such as delays in processing claims and lack of clear information regarding claim status. This research recommends increasing socialization regarding claims procedures to participants and training for officers so they can provide better services. Thus, it is hoped that this analysis can make a positive contribution to improving the claims system at BPJS Employment, so that it can increase participant satisfaction and service effectiveness.</em></p> Ismu Hadi Siregar Zainarti Zainarti Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 3 2 79 89 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3910 PERHIMPUNAN PALANG MERAH INDONESIA (PMI) <p><em>The Indonesian Red Cross Society (Palang Merah Indonesia or PMI) is a humanitarian and social&nbsp; organization&nbsp; established&nbsp; on&nbsp; September&nbsp; 17,&nbsp; 1945.&nbsp; PMI plays &nbsp;a &nbsp;vital&nbsp; role&nbsp; in&nbsp; disaster management, healthcare services, and the promotion of humanitarian awareness. The organization has a well-structured system extending from national to local levels, focusing on community capacity building and fulfilling humanitarian needs. This research adopts a mixed- method approach, including observation, interviews, and literature studies, to explore PMI's background, structure, and role in aiding communities. Findings indicate that PMI continues to play a significant role in fostering solidarity, independence, and mutual cooperation through its programs and services.</em></p> Khairina Habib Rangkuti Nuri Al Fitriyani Nur Nani Siagian Usiono Usiono Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 3 2 90 95 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3912 Hubungan Gaya Hidup Sehat Dengan Perilaku Kepedulian Sosial Pada Remaja <p><em>This study discusses the relationship between healthy lifestyle and social care behavior in adolescents. A healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and effective stress management, plays an important role in improving the physical and mental health of adolescents. Good mental health affects the increase in empathy and social interaction, which leads to an increase in social care behavior. Adolescents who live a healthy lifestyle tend to be more sensitive to social needs and more active in various social activities that support the welfare of others. Conversely, adolescents who do not adopt a healthy lifestyle tend to have difficulty managing emotions and social relationships. This study emphasizes the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents as an effort to create a healthy, caring, and active generation in building a more harmonious and supportive community.</em></p> Nur Adila Syazwina Dinda Damara Rais Tri Fauziah Hasana Usiono Usiono Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-23 2025-01-23 3 2 96 103 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3929 Pengaruh Penggunaan Smartphone Terhadap Perubahan Postur Tubuh pada Gen Z <p><em>Technological advancements, particularly smartphones, have brought significant changes to modern society. Smartphones serve as multifunctional tools that facilitate various daily activities, such as communication, internet access, and gaming. However, despite their many benefits, excessive smartphone use can lead to negative effects, including addiction and health issues. Data shows that 90% of individuals aged 15-24 own smartphones, with an average internet usage time of 7 hours and 38 minutes per day. Prolonged use of smartphones has the potential to affect posture, causing neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and headaches. Improper posture while using smartphones often results in muscle tension in the neck and upper back areas. This abstract aims to highlight the relationship between intensive smartphone use and its impact on the physical health of Generation Z, as well as the importance of maintaining proper posture when using these devices</em></p> Aulia Deswita David Arifin Hilmi Rabbani Ferdi Daffa Satrio Utomo Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-01-28 2025-01-28 3 2 104 107 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3955 NURTURING YOUNG MINDS: THE BENEFITS AND BARRIERS OF SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING <p><em>In the areas of education, linguistics, and cognitive science, the process of learning a second language (L2) throughout childhood has been widely studied and debated. Because of the brain's increased flexibility, which enables more flexibility in taking in and remembering language information, childhood is frequently regarded as an essential age for language learning. Speaking more than one language has become essential in many academic, professional, and cultural situations as civilizations become more interconnected through globalization. With a focus on cognitive, social, and cultural aspects, this paper aims to explore all of the benefits of early exposure to a second language while also addressing the main challenges that students may face. Learning a second language has several cognitive benefits, including improved memory storage, improved mental flexibility, and improved problem-solving abilities. Socially, bilingualism helps kids navigate multicultural settings more easily by fostering better communication skills, empathy, and a greater understanding of cultural diversity. Early exposure to a second language helps broaden a child's perspective and foster tolerance and inclusivity by assisting them in comprehending and appreciating the customs, beliefs, and viewpoints of many societies. </em></p> Inggrid Yossi Anna Sianipar Bernieke Anggita Ristia Damanik Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 3 2 108 119 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3980 Pengamatan Tekhnik Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura pada Jagung (Zea mays sp) di Jln. Irigasi Kel. Mangga <p>Tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan dunia yang terpenting. Jagung memiliki siklus hidup 80-150 hari dan dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif. Dalam budidaya jagung, pengendalian hama dan penyakit merupakan tantangan utama. Beberapa penyakit yang dapat menyerang tanaman jagung adalah penyakit buai, bercak daun, karat, gosong bengkak, dan busuk tongkol. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pembibitan, pengelolaan lahan dan tanah, penanaman, pemeliharaan, dan pemanenan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan hasil panen jagung.</p> Anisa Rezki Samosir Anggita Anggeraini Harahap Khairi Azkia Fazra Nadia Bela Amanda Rahmi Siregar Rizki Mawaddah Syakira Amalia Hasibuan Nikmatul Khoiriah Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 3 2 120 131 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3983 Pemberatan Pidana Terhadap Orang Tua Yang Menjadi Pelaku Human Trafficking <p><em>The crime of human trafficking is also said to be a crime that is very complex and difficult to solve. In the case of human trafficking, this often involves not only one area of ​​life but several areas of life. The crime of human trafficking often occurs and it does not always occur within the territory of a country but also outside the territory of that country. However, children are a vulnerable group in discussions (child trafficking) that receive more attention. Violence against children is a violation of every child's rights, especially if the perpetrators of the violence are the child's parents. This is called domestic violence. The government has adopted regulations regarding the rights and protection of children in Indonesia, and implemented sanctions for violators of these regulations. The purpose of writing this newspaper is to find out criminal charges against parents who carry out human trafficking. This research was conducted using standard legal research methods. The normative legal method means, among other things, that this research uses an approach through primary sources relating to legal issues that need to be raised by combining them according to existing laws and regulations in Indonesia. The results of this study confirm that the sanctions applied to parents who commit acts of violence in the household are not only criminal sanctions but also civil sanctions, where parents as perpetrators, violators can be sued for compensation because they have harmed children as victims by not committing acts of violence. in the household. respect their rights.</em></p> Septian Rizkyansyah, H.R. Adianto Mardijono Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-04 2025-02-04 3 2 132 138 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3991 PERANCANGAN ULANG SMOKE DETEKTOR PADA PERUSAHAN PELAYARAN <p><em>One of the undesirable and sometimes uncontrollable events is fire. Fire incidents can occur anywhere and at any time, including buildings or offices. The continued function of a building is not only related to the maintenance aspect, but also needs to pay attention to the threat of danger that may arise due to fire hazards. Apart from causing loss of property and even human life, the danger of fire can also result in the cessation of building functions either temporarily or permanently. The aim of this research is to examine the main risk factors related to fire hazards in buildings or offices as well as management steps, in an effort to maintain the continued function of the building. Prevention of the danger of fire is something that is necessary and required in every building or office that is a meeting center for many people. Therefore, we need a fire detection system that functions when smoke, heat and flame appear. The number of detectors and detector placement points installed in buildings or offices is based on calculations referring to SNI 03-3985-2000.</em></p> Aisyah Diva Syaira Ardine Putri Rabbhani MS Dewi Rizqi Maimunah Moch. Luqman Ashari Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 3 2 139 143 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.3998 Evaluasi Kebutuhan Alat Deteksi Kebakaran Pada TPS Limbah B3 di Perusahaan Beton Pracetak <h1 style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 0cm; margin: 0cm .15pt .0001pt 0cm;"><span lang="id" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight: normal;">Perusahaan beton pracetak selalu menghasilkan limbah baik non B3 maupun B3. Maka dari itu, perusahaan menyediakan fasilitas penyimpanan limbah salah satunya limbah B3. TPS Limbah B3 harus terpasang alat pendeteksi kebakaran dan keadaan darurat salah satunya adalah detektor kebakaran. Detektor adalah alat untuk mendeteksi pada mula kebakaran yang dapat membangkitkan alarm dalam suatu sistem. Tempat Penyimpanan Sementara (TPS) Limbah B3 di perusahaan beton pracetak ini sudah melakukan pemasangan dan pemeliharaan alat deteksi kebakaran berupa detektor asap. Namun, beberapa ketentuan peraturan belum dilakukan atau melakukan penyesuaian untuk bangunan tersebut. Maka dilakukan evaluasi dengan menghitung kembali kebutuhan detektor sesuai dengan SNI 03-3985-2000 berdasarkan klasifikasi kebakaran dan kriteria bangunana TPS Limbah B3.</span></h1> Tri Dayanti Putri Dwi R Nabila Fatiha M Moch. Luqman Ashari Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 3 2 144 148 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4015 REJOSARI DESA TANPA SEKAT : POTRET TOLERANSI ISLAM DAN BUDDHA DI DESA REJOSARI, BANSARI <p><em>Rejosari Village in Bansari District is a real example of a harmonious life between religious communities. Although the majority of the residents are Muslims, the Buddhist community in this village is still accepted with full respect and openness. This research reveals how religious tolerance develops in the social, cultural, and religious practices of local communities. Forms of harmonious interaction are seen in cooperation between citizens, respect for each other's religious celebrations, and a strong spirit of mutual cooperation. With a qualitative approach, this study uses observation methods and interviews with religious leaders, communities, and village governments. The findings show that mutual respect, good communication, and the values of tolerance inherited from generation to generation are the main factors in maintaining the harmony of diversity in this village. Rejosari can be an example of an inclusive village that reflects unity in differences.</em></p> Alifakh Rahmatika Sally Diana Azzahra Nazi Latus Sifa Fajarul Haq Fintajuna Fitri Hana Arlita Faza Saifulloh Latifatun Nurohmah Ahya Mahfuzah Anisa Laelatin Latifah Achamad Choerul Anam Aninda Yustika Rini Budi Setyawan Triana Putri Eni Candra Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 3 2 149 155 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4016 PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MAKE A MATCH TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPS KELAS IV DI SDN 2 RANTAU DIOR <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Make A Match learning <br>model on student learning outcomes in social studies class. This study uses a quantitative <br>method with a quasi-experimental approach. The population studied consisted of 77 students. <br>The research sample consisted of 2 classes, where class IVA as the experimental class consisted <br>of 22 students, and class IVB as the control class with 24 students. Data were collected using <br>pretest and posttest. The results showed that the effect of the Make A Match learning model on <br>student learning outcomes in social studies. In the experimental class the average value was <br>84.09 and the control class was 48.00. The results of the hypothesis test based on the Group <br>Statistics in the Mean section there was a difference between the experimental class 84.09 and <br>the control class 48.64. Based on the t-test (Independent Sample test) that the F is 0.424, the df <br>is 42, the t-test result is 10.192 and the significance is 0.000. From the results of the hypothesis <br>test (t-test) the significant results obtained were 0.000&gt; 0.05. The result of the t-test calculation <br>of 10.192 can be seen from the value of 10.192&gt; 2.018. So, it can be concluded that the Make <br>A Match learning model has a significant impact on student learning outcomes in the social <br>studies subject of grade IV SDN 2 Rantodior.</p> Aufa Yasifa Ramadhan Lubis Eka Yusnaldi Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 3 2 156 165 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4014 PENERAPAN MODEL COOPERATIVE LEARNING TIPE JIGSAW SEBAGAI SARANA UNTUK MELATIH KETERAMPILAN BERBICARA SISWA DI SDN CUKIR 1 KELAS V PADA MATA PELAJARAN B. INDONESIA <p><em>This study aims to analyze the Implentation of the Jigsaw type Cooperative Learning model in enhancing the speaking skills of fifth-grade students at SDN Cukir 1 in Indonesian language lessons. The Jigsaw method encourages students to collaborate in small groups, teach each other the material, and take responsibility for their own understanding. This research employs a qualitative approach with data collection techniques including interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings indicate that the implementation of the Jigsaw model significantly improves student participation and speaking skills. Students displayed a positive attitude towards this learning method and felt more confident in expressing their opinions. Although there are challenges, especially for students with low self-esteem, teacher support plays a crucial role in overcoming these obstacles. The study concludes that the Jigsaw model is an effective strategy for enhancing students' speaking skills and can be applied in other learning contexts. It is hoped that the results of this research will contribute to the development of teaching methods in elementary schools.</em></p> Muhammad Ilyasin Claudiya Zahrani Susilo Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 3 2 166 173 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4026 PERAN GURU DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KEDISIPLINAN SISWA KELAS VI DI SD ISLAM AL-WASHOYA NGORO JOMBANG <p><em>Discipline character is one of the most important traits to be possessed by every student.&nbsp; Therefore, in this case, the role of the teacher is very much needed to carry out the formation of student discipline.&nbsp; This research aims to analyze the role of teachers in the formation of discipline.&nbsp; This research uses a qualitative approach with a field research type.&nbsp; The instruments referred to in this study are observation, documentation, and interviews.&nbsp; The data collection techniques used in this research are library data and field data.&nbsp; In addition, the research results also show that the role of teachers in fostering discipline is good, although there are still some hindering factors in the formation of student discipline.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Muhammad Fahmi Umami Muslim Claudiya Zahrani Susilo Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-08 2025-02-08 3 2 174 184 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4032 STRATEGI DINAS ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KABUPATEN PADANG LAWAS UTARA DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BACA MASYARAKAT <p><em>This research was conduct at the department of library archive in padang lawas north. The purpose of this study was to find out about how the strategy of the padang lawas Regecy Library archives. Increase the reading interest of the community. The research method carried out in this study is descriptive qualitative, this study intends to reveal the phenomenon that occurs in the field, namely: strategies used in increasing read interest, efforts to increase read interest, any obstacles faced increasing the interest of the public. Furthermore, researches conducted interviews 2 staff in the archives and library office of padang lawas north. The results showed that human resourcs at the Departement of Library Archives in north lawas regency were not optimal in an effort to increase public reading interests and still use the processing system manually and use numbers and hurup as a reperence in the recovery of the archives and internet networks that have not exited at all.</em></p> Rika Meliana Ritonga Abdul Karim Batubara Neila Susanti Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-19 2025-02-19 3 2 185 196 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4098 Analisis Komparatif Pemikiran Sekularisasi Politik Islam: Ali Abd Raziq dan Nurcholish Madjid <p><em>The secularization of Islamic politics has been a hotly debated topic among Muslim scholars. Two figures who have an important role in influencing thinking about the secularization of Islamic politics are Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid. This research aims to comparatively analyze the thoughts on the secularization of Islamic politics of Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid. The research method used is comparative analysis with a qualitative approach. The data used are the works of Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid which are related to the secularization of Islamic politics. The research results show that Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid have different thoughts about the secularization of Islamic politics. Ali Abd Raziq believes that the secularization of Islamic politics is a necessity to separate religion from the state. Meanwhile, Nurcholish Madjid believes that the secularization of Islamic politics is a process that must be carried out gradually and taking into account Islamic values.The conclusion of this research is that the thoughts on the secularization of Islamic politics between Ali Abd Raziq and Nurcholish Madjid have significant differences. However, both have the same goal, namely to promote freedom and justice in Muslim societies<strong>.</strong></em></p> Azamudin Azamudin Muh Rusdy M Ied Al Munir Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH 2025-02-24 2025-02-24 3 2 197 211 10.61722/jssr.v3i2.4118